Take a Gourmet Roadtrip

Explore the culinary wonders along the Great Ocean Road



The Great Ocean Road has long been a favourite destination for travellers across Australia and indeed the globe. Its rugged coastline stretching from Torquay all the way through to the South Australian border is a wonderland of natural beauty. As if its natural beauty isn’t enough, when you dig a little deeper, you’ll unleash your inner foodie and delight your senses. The Great Ocean Road is bursting with fresh produce from sea and land with artisan producers, cafés, breweries, distilleries, and restaurateurs pushing the boundaries of culinary excellence. Our latest content series “GrEAT Ocean Roadtrip” will introduce you to some of the characters behind the plates and give you a taste of the diverse and delicious fare this spectacular region has to offer. So, all that’s left to do is grab your travel buddy, pack the car, and hit the road for a food experience like no other!