We were engaged by New Zealand’s Cardrona Ski Resort to perform a complete brand overhaul. Working with the fab marketing and management team we based ourselves on the mountain for a week, running creative strategy workshops to develop an original and compelling advertising platform. As part of the process, we worked with renowned adventure photographer Julian Apse, capturing a series of stills and vignettes featuring the local characters and personalities that tapped into the core DNA of Cardrona, unlocking a unique brand proposition. Our ongoing involvement includes all brand assets, website, advertising, photography and an exciting series of films which were released as part of their full global roll-out.

After spending a few weeks at Cardrona meeting with the colourful characters and unique people who call this place home we realised that there was a central premise that ran through the very heart of the resort. It was evident in the history, the location, the stories and the people, Cardrona has a ‘Heart of Gold’. Not just in a literal sense from the early gold mining days, but also from the pioneering days when John Lee and his family blazed a trail in the Cardrona Valley and established a road and resort when no one thought it was possible. It is also in the attitude of the people that have grown up skiing, snowboarding, working and living here. Cardrona’s ‘Heart of Gold’ has become the central platform that all marketing and communications are based around.